Thursday, September 15, 2011

Desk of Reminders

Do you ever feel like this?

I was cleaning my office this afternoon and sat down and glanced at my desk and I thought, wow, if this isn't my life?

Every piece symbolizes some aspect of my life: 

Framed pictures of my wedding: The happiest day of my life where I felt so beautiful and loved.
The "Blue Book" Chris and I got when we took an engaged class: We really need to go over that book again and the importance of fighting for our marriage every day.
A framed picture of Chris's photography: I would love to see him get back into that.
The duster: I need to get back to work cleaning this place.
And that snow globe tucked in the back that my dad bought me when I was younger: another reminder that I miss home and my family immensely. 
The painting my mom got me for Christmas: I should take more bubble baths.
A daily devotion that I haven't picked up in awhile.
Paint swatch: one of these days we really need to paint these walls.
An old race tag: I need to stop wasting my gym membership and get back in shape which then reminds me of how much I miss playing sports.
CCRN practice book: yeah I need to make time to go through that thing.
A print from JonesDesignCompany: I love her stuff.

Well clearly there is more on that desk, but not enough time to pick through each item and bore you to tears.
I am not usually a person who finds symbolism in the day to day, but that one slapped me in the face.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Travel Bug

The past few weeks have been busy with us traveling. We had a Wilson vacation in Hilton Head where we ate and hung out on the beach most of the week. I was able to finish a book I started on my family's beach trip called A Million Miles in a Hundred Years by Donald Miller. It was a pretty good book that reminded me of the importance to truly live the life we have on this earth and make it memorable. For me it is so easy to get stuck in routines and the mundane reality of life, but the memories we actually remember are the ones that were different and exciting and a change from our day to day. So I am going to try and work on this, keep me accountable.

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better StoryThe Help

On our way home we bought the audiobook of The Help which is really good. As much as my hubs and I love audiobooks this one is soo long, I could have read the book quicker than listening to it. I wanted to read it before we saw the movie, but by the time we are done it will be out on video.

Have you read any good books lately?

This past weekend I went to Williamsburg and Norfolk to see my best friends. Norfolk is an interesting place, I have driven through there a few times but had yet to really visit the place, my initial reaction was ehh. As the weekend went on and I discovered more of the city, it really wasn't so bad, don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to live there, but I would visit again considering my best friend and sister-in-law live there. 

Me and my little Laura

My BFF, Laura, is finishing up school in Norfolk and she recently got engaged so we spent Saturday wedding dress shopping. I never thought I would cry seeing her in a wedding dress, but boy did I lose it. I guess it has to do with us knowing each other since we were three months old and going through everything together and this just signifying how much older we are getting and at this point I am just trying to come up with a good excuse why I lost it.

On my way back from Norfolk I stopped by my dad's and Chris came down from the Burg and we had a yummy family dinner, Foster made the trip too. I absolutely love being out in the country at my dads, it is so peaceful and relaxing. We went four wheelin' and made some fresh pesto and just porch sat, what could be better than that.

Now back to This house is a wreck from being gone, do you have any good cleaning tips?