Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I am continuing to be inspired through magazines and walking around fabric stores. I just got done reading BHG do it yourself magazine-there are some fun projects from making your own murphy bed (a project for chris :) ) to transforming your seldom used guest room to double as a sewing room-love that idea. I saw some really neat looking books featured so I have a feeling a trip to B&N is in the plans for the afternoon. Yesterday after my painful dentist appointment, I went to the new Walmart on Old Forest Rd where they have a fabric section. Unfortunately they only have pre-cut fabric pieces, I was slightly disappointed because growing up, the Walmarts in Chesterfield had a well-stocked craft and sewing section, but apparently Lynchburg is behind the times. After my Walmart trip I went to a local quilt and sewing store where I fell in love with some beautiful yet pricey pieces of cloth. Nine dollars per yard is a bit much, especially for a bargain shopper such as I-hate paying full price for anything.
Yesterdays achievement: I figured out how to tread my bobbin! It is crazy how much you can learn from reading the instruction manual.

In other news: I get to work tomorrow! Losing 36 hours this past weekend will not be good for the paycheck, so I am looking forward to waking up at 515am tomorrow- well sort of. This weekend Chris and I are attending a marriage retreat through Brentwood, we are super excited to get out of town and obtain wisdom on this marriage thing.  Additionally, I thinking Foster, my great dane, might have a UTI, do dogs get those? Every hour she wimpers that she has to be taken out and she barely even tinkles.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I have spent all morning skewering over various sewing blogs with the hope of getting some inspiration to start sewing again. The past few weeks have been very slow at work, so I decided that maybe I could start sewing again and selling some of my stuff. When I did sew I found it very relaxing and rewarding to be able to see creations I made. Unfortunately I have forgotten most of what I knew about sewing, so I am thinking about going to take a class. I really don't feel like going to take a class, rather I would better enjoy someone just coming to my house to teach me a thing or two. So we will see...I am going to check out the nearest sewing store and see what they offer. A few weeks ago I was making a patch to put on my duvet cover-some how it tore *coughfostercough*  (another reason why I love pottery barn) and I could not remember how to thread my bobbin (s/p?) I figured out how to put the thread on the bobbin but not able to figure out how to thread it through the machine--I could have just pulled out the manual but instead I called PB and they send me a brand new duvet! 
There are some many interesting blogs--I dont know how these women find time..when I am working I barely have time to do anything else but these women have two and three kids--I guess it is called nap time.  

I also was looking up ways to improve the exterior of our home--I think Im going to paint my door either green or red & when we get a little extra money I think I might look for some contemporary outside lights. 

I love decorating but I am feeling not so creative hence why I am pondering these neat sites. 
My home office is in a slump--it is the catch all room so I spent yesterday afternoon trying to organize it, it still needs help.
Also, I have a few pieces of wall art that still have yet to be hung, but I have commitment issues when it comes to hanging things on the wall. Mostly, it is because whenever I hang something it is cockeyed and I worried that I will have a large hole in my wall when I get tired of it. 

Motivation- I am hoping this new creative kick will form into something rather than just an idea. Motivation is something that I struggle with on a day to day basis, I wish I could get up early every day and just get tons of things done, but instead I find myself still in bed at 930 or 10 not wanting to get up because my bed feels so good. I have good intentions to be in the Word more frequently or go to the gym, but seldom does it happen. Have any tips?