As I start most entries... it has been forever since I have last blogged. About a month ago I reformated the site, but never had time to actually write something. Nor have I found time to figure out how to link the twitter and facebook icons to those actual pages--maybe one day.
So lately...I have working---for the past few months I haven't gotten all of my hours, so I decided to pick up some hrs in the CICU (I usually work in the CVRU for those who thought I worked in the CICU-it can be confusing but my unit is the open heart unit and CICU deals mostly with chest pain, stents, some GI bleeds,etc. ) Well as the past month has developed we have been very busy in CVRU so I really havent picked up any hours in CICU in the past two weeks. Another way the Lord continues to provide--I was really praying for hours and he has definitely opened that door.
Speaking of depending on the Lord.. I finally received my tax return... the past few months I have really been relying on the Lord for our financial situation.. and with patience and prayer He has interceded. I am soo very fortunate-- we are now able to finish paying of the wedding and purchasing things for the new house.
Also, this past weekend Foster got her ovaries and uterus taken out...(Is it called being sprayed and neutered or just one of those words?) She was at the vet all weekend and I finally picked her up this morning and she is currently laying on the couch with me, sleeping. Sometimes I wished I could know what dogs were thinking. Foster is able 6 months old and weighing roughly 60lbs. She is definitely still growing.. people keep asking me how big I think she will get but I have no idea.. I am thinking around 100lbs. Sometimes I wished I had a smaller dog..maybe one day. We have to focus on training Foster first.. I think we are making some progress, but we still have more ground to cover.
Wedding: Over the past few lovely mother and best friend/maid of honor threw me a bridal shower.. it was so beautiful. What a humbling experience to have 20 some family and friends come to a shower just for me because they are truly so excited for us and our wedding. The theme was a shabby chic shower with lots of aprons. Also, I got some wonderful gifts--we are soo blessed. Also, I decided on my bridesmaid dresses, they are a little pricy but I chose something the girls could wear again. It is the Cotton Cady Erica dress from JCrew in dark peri. It looks soo good on all of the girls, so now I am just trying to decide on shoes. Got any suggestions? I am thinking either white or black flat sandals. Another big accomplishment is we got the invites out!! Thanks to my mother who addressed all 200 by hand! We had a little printing issue, but it all worked out in the end.
Other odds and ends:
I need to get into a work out routine.. this thought probably crosses my mind just about every week or every other day.. but it is soo hard to stay motivated.. for a while there I was doing wii active, but then my batteries died in the remotes & I stopped and now they are fully charged, but I have yet to get back into it. Any words of motivation?
The house is coming along.. the latest purchase is our new desk and hutch.. I have been neglecting the office, but we have decided we need to make it a functional space. So now that we have the desk and hutch we will be looking at paint colors.
Well I should go try to be productive on my 1/2 day off..