The Lord continues to teach me patience... after a frustrating journey we were finally able to close on the house. I have been in the house for almost two weeks now. I love it! It took awhile to get there between the closing process and getting out of my apt, but the Lord has provided.
Last weekend the first snow arrived..roughly 13 inches. I was snowed in with Chris and his mama which, of course, was fun. We relaxed by watching Confessions of a Shopaholic, Julie and Julia, Happy Feet, and Deck the Halls as well as eating rum cake and drinking wine.. what more could you want.
Unfortunately, I was not able to put a Christmas tree up this year.. sadness... I guess between moving in and work.. it hasn't happened. Now we are in Bristol through Christmas, so to say the least it wont happen. It has been a different and slightly difficult Christmas season... I feel like it has just flown by. Holidays are very different when you are a grown up.. you are forced to make tough decisions and choose between family. Some are supportive and others are not, but one thing I have learned is that you gotta do what you gotta do. Chris and I have decided to spend Christmas in Bristol with the Wilson clan. We arrived on Monday and will stay until Saturday or Sunday. Originally I was suppose to work Christmas day, but we ended up closing the unit yesterday. Keep me and my family in your prayers as it will be different spending Christmas away from them and different for Chris's family to have an extra member join in their traditions.
Moving along from my sob story, I am feeling a little sore this morning thanks to Wii sports.
I am really hoping Santa will bring us one because I am really feeling the burn.
Although we didn't put up a tree, we did make a gingerbread house for which Chris did most of the work. I am thinking he was deprived of this tradition as a child, so he really got into putting this humble abode together. It turned out beautifully. I am going to try to post some pictures.
Well, I am thinking I should probably hop in the shower, but Merry CHRISTmas!! I pray that yall are able to celebrate the real for the season.
PS.. As mentioned above I watched Julie and Julia and I think Julie brought up some good points about blogging. Sometimes I wonder what the point is because it is hard to believe that someone really reads these random thoughts I throw out.. I guess I keep writing because it is an outlet...But if you have any ideas of topics for me to write about..let me know.